Jerry Wayne Odom Jr.

Eldar or Dark Eldar

How to Beat the Eldar and Dark Eldar - Warhammer 40000

The Eldar are a pretty easy army to beat the hell out of with a moving ork force. They've got a few decent advantages on their side such as cheap points costs and the ability to shoot alot but orks in transports backed up by a heavy looted vehicle and some cannon fodder will lay waste to these poor space elf wanna be punks. Some things on fighting the eldar:
  • They're weak. If you go first get across the board with your transports in the first turn and engage them on the second. Get your transport really close to their units.(within 2 inches) Who cares if they blow up your transport if you're using trukk boyz. Chances are they'll do it catastrophic and take a few of them down too.
  • Warbike riders are very effective against the Eldar.(particularly the outriders)
  • Watch out for dark Eldar special units. Grotesques and Wyches can be difficult to kill in hand to hand.
  • The Leman Russ is a very effective looted weapon against these guys. Battle Cannon kills tons of their infantry and they're likely to waste a few rounds trying to puncture its thick hull.

warhammer As of now I've decimated every Eldar army I've played. Play smart, get some troops across the board fast and you'll have no troubles. Get stuck on your side of the board and you're dead. Jerry Wayne Odom Jr. - 9/01/2003

Update on Fighting the Eldar

In late 2005 I played a tournament and an Eldar player had a number of scouts that caused alot of problems for the Kult of Speed in turn 1. They can cause your orks to have problems taking off and therefore take away a deal of your fast attack ability. This is bad because they're pretty shootie and can take you out!