It’s long overdue that I use an automated tool for   Software developers just like lawyers, contractors or anyone else neglect their personal properties when it comes to their trade.   It’s to the point that I’m a little embarrassedbecause I hardly update my website anymore due to how manual it is.    Really you work in a job where your title is “Lead Software Developer” and you have an old 100% html website you build when you were in college in 2001ish?   You hardly update it and the content looks terrible because it’s inflexible.   

Well in the spirit of the new year I’m implementing a new system for 2011 so that family and friends can get quick updates on the family.


2 comments untill now

  1. Jerry,
    I found your site via a Google search for growing hops in Louisiana. I was curious if there is a follow-up on your hop garden. I am considering a hop garden and now is the time to purchase and plant them.



  2. Hey Stacy. The hop experiment has gone ok. I have never gotten more than a handful off the vines. Half of the rhizomes died. The healthiest looking cut lived and the jumbo rhizome lived. So if you get the option to pay extra for the larger rhizome go that way. It’s very fun to watch them grow every year though so well worth the investment. Great conversation piece as well.

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